Time a New Smile with Our Dental Implants in Stony Brook
Our dental implants in Stony Brook, NY are an excellent way to improve your smile both cosmetically
and practically. They are the preferred method of restorative dentistry by most patients and dentists because they are a permanent solution that act just like natural teeth. A dental implant is surgically inserted into your smile where you may have lost teeth. The implant fuses to your jawbone and becomes part of your facial structure. It never needs to be replaced or removed because they will virtually last a lifetime as long as they are properly taken care of. Our dental implants need the same care and attention that your natural teeth need, so they must be brushed, flossed, and treated with fluoride to help protect the integrity of the implant.
The Process
Getting a dental implant is a bit of a lengthy process, but it will be a lifelong commitment. The treatment will require several visits and possibly multiple procedures, so a consult with Dr. Sheth to find out if this would be the right restorative option for your smile is the first step. Some patients need to have teeth removed due to decay, or they may have experienced tooth loss due to trauma. The tooth will need to be removed to make room for the dental implant before you can move forward with anything.
Patients may also need additional bone grafting treatments to restore the jawbone before the implant can be inserted. Jawbone tends to recede if a patient has experienced tooth loss because there is nothing there for the jaw to support. It will naturally recede unless it is needed. You'll be thoroughly discussing this with Dr. Sheth to determine if jawbone regeneration would be a necessary step in your dental implant journey.
Once space is cleared and the area is healed enough to begin the implant process, you will come into the office to begin the process. The first step is implanting a titanium screw into your jawbone. First, Dr. Sheth will create an incision in your gumline. She will then insert the titanium screw into the area and secure it in place. After, she'll stitch the area closed and you will be given a few weeks to heal. During this time, the screw will fuse into place due to the biocompatibility of titanium.
Once the area is healed, you will come back in to have a custom crown attached. This crown will be made specifically to match your natural teeth. It will be identical to the color, shape, and size of the corresponding tooth. Dr. Sheth will reopen the incision and attach the crown. Overall, receiving a dental implant can take about 3-5 visits depending on your specific needs. No smile is the same, so your process may be shorter or longer. During your appointments and consultations with Dr. Sheth, we'll be able to properly determine if our Stony Brook dental implants are the best choice for your smile.
Who Is Eligible
Any patient who experiences tooth loss or severe tooth decay may be eligible for our dental implants, though there are some cases where it may be advised against. If you identify with any of the following stipulations, you may need to ask Dr. Sheth about alternative restorative options.
Patients who may not be eligible include:
● Heavy smokers
● Patients with chronic illness such as diabetes or heart disease
● Anyone who is/has been exposed to radiation in the head or neck area
● Patients with a history of poor oral hygiene
There are some risks associated with any oral surgery, so consult with Dr. Sheth about your specific level of risk. It is possible for a dental implant to fail, though it is highly unlikely. If your implant remains mobile, even after significant healing time, meet with Dr. Sheth. An x-ray will be able to determine if the implant was rejected. Severe, persisting pain can also be a sign of implant failure. Always be sure to inform Dr. Sheth of any medications you are taking because that can impact your bone health and the likelihood of implant success. Patients may also experience infection at the implant site, nerve damage, sinus issues, or damage to the surrounding areas.
To learn more about our dental implants in Stony Brook to see if this procedure is the right restoration for you, give Dr. Sheth's office a call at (631) 689-3226 and schedule the best date and time for your consultation with our helpful front desk staff.